Jay’s Audio CD Transport

I’m just curious if anyone has been able to see the black version of either the Jay’s Audio CDT2 or CDT3 in the flesh?

I haven’t been able to see either in person as of yet, but all of the photos I see are usually of the silver version. 

Im wondering what you have thought of the finish quality of the black vs the silver version. 

I ask as my other components are black and I’m just trying to decide which color to go with. 

Thank you and best wishes to you all,




I appreciate your replies!

So the CDT2 and CDT3 utilize different clk’s?

Please forgive my ignorance… I don’t understand when you say “you generally don’t want to double up sample in a system”. The LTA AERO is a NOS Ladder type dac and as far as I am understanding, this dac does not upsample.  So wouldn’t it only be the CDT2 or the CDT3 doing the upsampling?

I loved your anecdotal story, by the way👍

Do you offer in-home trials for the Jay’s transports?

Thank you and best wishes to you!



I think what Todd is saying is that if you have the option to do it at both the source and DAC level don't do both. In your case with the Aero your only option to upsample would be with the source so try it and see if you like it. 

I have owned the CDT2 for 4+ years. Mine is black and the finish is excellent. I’m very happy with my purchase. I connects to the original Terminator and the pair are great. 

@jackd Thank you for your post.  What you say makes sense to me.  So, in my case it would only be if the transport would offer the upsampling, which both the CDT2 (via remote) and the CDT3 (via switch on the back panel) do allow.  I appreciate you helping me understand!

@tekaudiospecialties1 Do you offer in home demo' or trials of the Jay Audio transports?

Thank you and best wishes to all,


@sgordoxyz Thank you for your post!  It is excellent to hear that you are getting great results with the CDT2 and you Terminator!  I'm also glad to hear that you are loving the black finish.  After reading all of theses post regarding how nice the black finish is... I will opt for the black as well as it will fit in nicely with the rest of my components.

I'm curious if you have tried the various digital outputs and if you noticed any sonic differences between them?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with me!

Best wishes,
