If I told you I went west, and believed in all my heart that I in fact went west, when after looking at a map, you discovered I went east; I would have told you a forgivable "untruth". Such is the case of one Mr. Art Pepper.
After listening to some fantastic music by Mr. Art Pepper, I discovered he was mistaken in regard to the "Bird's" influence on his playing; however, there is no mistake in regard to Mr. Pepper's talents as a jazz alto saxophonist.
Art Pepper + Eleven has a stellar cast of "West Coast" jazz musicians, and Mr. Pepper sounds more "east coast" than any of them, such was the case of "Bird's" influence. His spell over jazz in the 50's was so strong, that even those who made every effort to avoid it, came under it's magic, and such was the case of one Mr. Art Pepper. By any standards, this CD is tops.
Enjoy the music.