Roxy, sometimes there is a slightly detour here, but its because this part of forum is not so visited by many...its just enterteinment, dont worry....
Rok, no, those numbers are (according to Brown university data) costs of Us last two 'excursions', not counting the interest payments (since its borrowed money) and cost of future medical care for its participants.
There are more examples, not only from Us, but from European countries as well.
Trying to stay away from politics, just a simple thought,,,if all that money was spent otherwise, I guess we would see less 'issues' than likes of the one that you have posted in that video on the previous page...
Rok, no, those numbers are (according to Brown university data) costs of Us last two 'excursions', not counting the interest payments (since its borrowed money) and cost of future medical care for its participants.
There are more examples, not only from Us, but from European countries as well.
Trying to stay away from politics, just a simple thought,,,if all that money was spent otherwise, I guess we would see less 'issues' than likes of the one that you have posted in that video on the previous page...