Jeff Beck Loud Hailer

Anybody heard this? Streamed via Tidal it fills my listening room wall to wall with some of the freshest sounding blues rock I've heard in a long time.  Definitely full range.
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I am a big Jeff Beck fan. Try "Performing This Week...Live at Ronny Scott’s". Excellent recording. Tal Wilkenfeld is on bass.

He does duets with Joss Stone and Imogen Heap.

Great find! I had not heard (or heard of) this record before your post. Listened to the full album on YouTube (three times!) then went out the next day and bought the LP.

It's a GREAT record. I love the guitar work, lyrics, singing and the way it is recorded. It's a really BIG sounding record.

Love it! One of my favorite records from the last few years...........

Thanks for the recommendation.

Disappointed! Album is just boring compared to his last few releases

wasted my money
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