Hey Guys, thank for all the knowledgeable advice. I consider all your advise and finally made the decision after a year of shopping for my primary system, I already have a secondary system so……….too my time!
Well this is what I have tried, not in a store demo, a few but mostly took home and tried and have a few people around to assist with some personal opinions as well.
Well here goes. Best integrated out there that I had a chance to try:
Pathos Logos, Rowland Concentra 1 and mk2, Krell KAV300il, Balanced Technology, Plinus, YBA Passion, Audio Research 50, VAC Avatar (one of my favourites but not enough slam compared to some others!) Sim Audio Moon 5i, Brumster, Brinkman, Electrocompaniet ECI-4 , Edge G3. Hmmm I think that’s about it. I had around $5000 to spend or a little more.
And what did I go?
Krell KAV300il
For those of you who will shake your head and say nah!
I only have to say this, many are not able to accept what Krell has achieved from this little box, I even tried the KRC and FPB 300 combo and you really have to question yourself. The 300il had all the control you need on many speakers including some larger Thiel’s as well. On the other had if you have something complicated like the Apogee DIVA’s which I once owned, well then not to forget this things are not speakers actually Jcause they can suck any current thrown to them and they strive on power, not in today’s industry so much compared to then. The 300i had the slam and smoothness I was looking for with the Sonus Faber Electa Amator with all the dynamics I need in a fair sized room and it was one of the cheapest on the list as well.US$3500 Of course this is my opinion. If you don’t believe me try it for your self and see. Been there done that! Happy listening!
P/s the Rowland is a more musical amp I believe with even better built than the already well built Krell, much softer sounding but the slam was not quite there compared to the Krell 300il.
Well this is what I have tried, not in a store demo, a few but mostly took home and tried and have a few people around to assist with some personal opinions as well.
Well here goes. Best integrated out there that I had a chance to try:
Pathos Logos, Rowland Concentra 1 and mk2, Krell KAV300il, Balanced Technology, Plinus, YBA Passion, Audio Research 50, VAC Avatar (one of my favourites but not enough slam compared to some others!) Sim Audio Moon 5i, Brumster, Brinkman, Electrocompaniet ECI-4 , Edge G3. Hmmm I think that’s about it. I had around $5000 to spend or a little more.
And what did I go?
Krell KAV300il
For those of you who will shake your head and say nah!
I only have to say this, many are not able to accept what Krell has achieved from this little box, I even tried the KRC and FPB 300 combo and you really have to question yourself. The 300il had all the control you need on many speakers including some larger Thiel’s as well. On the other had if you have something complicated like the Apogee DIVA’s which I once owned, well then not to forget this things are not speakers actually Jcause they can suck any current thrown to them and they strive on power, not in today’s industry so much compared to then. The 300i had the slam and smoothness I was looking for with the Sonus Faber Electa Amator with all the dynamics I need in a fair sized room and it was one of the cheapest on the list as well.US$3500 Of course this is my opinion. If you don’t believe me try it for your self and see. Been there done that! Happy listening!
P/s the Rowland is a more musical amp I believe with even better built than the already well built Krell, much softer sounding but the slam was not quite there compared to the Krell 300il.