Jeff Rowland Pre with Pass Labs X350.5 or X600.5

I am keen to know how well does Jeff Rowland Preamps like the Synergy IIi or the Coherence work with Pass X350.5 or X600.5 amps?

Any inputs will be most appreciated.

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Hello Arupg,
I had a brand new Pass x350.5 amp hooked up to my Synergy 2i last week. It worked quite well. It had fabulous bass but the mids/highs were not as good as with the Pass Aleph P. Neither were the dynamics. It sounded a little more "laid back" because the Synergy has that characteristic.
I do miss the dynamics and "live" sound of the Pass x350.5 that my Krell FPB300cx doesn't quite deliver.
Depending on your speakers, room acoustics, and personal tastes, it might be a great combo.
If you are looking to wring the last ounce of "life" out of the music, use a Pass Labs pre-amp, as the Rolands just don't deliver the last word in dynamics.
I can't comment on the Coherence as I have not had one in my system.
A slightly laid back sound with moderate dynamics was apparently a hallmark of classic JRDG equipment. I suggest that in newest iterations this may have changed towards a more 'centristic' approach. On my own system at least (TEAC X-01 Limited, JRDG 312, Vienna Mahlers) the diminutive Capri pre appears to yield greater macro/micro dynamics, authority, bass definition, extension and detail than my ARC Ref 3.
Hi Audiopath
I appreciate your response regarding the Synergy 2i with the Pass Labs pwr amps. Infact - a laid-back easy going sound approach is what I'm looking for with an Accuphase's new DP-700 SACD/CD player as a source. Another reason for opting for either the Synergy or the Coherence preamps from JRDG is I've a Krell made Bass-Alignment mono filters for my B&W speakers & I'd like to use this in the Rec Out / Input In loop which is very much present in the Synergy & Coherence preamps but probably missing in Pass Labs ones.