JMLab Utopia and Watt/Puppy 7.0 Comparsion

I am trying to find the pros and cons of these speakers, can anyone help ?
I am biased I live with Utopias but I auditioned both the watts and JM before buying.The wilsons are very dynamic and"spectacular" but I found them irritating and causing fatigue.The Utopia I auditioned with Boulder amps sounded great. I now drive them with the GryphonSignature Antileon and they are alive dynamic and provide a very rich non fatiguing sound.I listen to primarily classical music.
I never heard the Puppy 7 but heard the previous model... The sound was VERY dynamic (very in your face sound) but I couldn't listen to them for more than 30 minutes at a time... In my opinion, the puppies are very fatiguing. On the other hand, the Utopias were more delicate. They sounded more laid back (compared to the Wilsons). I auditionned both speaker sets with the same equipment (Classe Omega amplification with Wadia 861X CDP).

I guess it comes down to which coloration you prefer.

If I had a choice, I would go for the Utopias.

Note: I don't own any of this equipment...