Job amps: Suck?

Guys I’ve noticed that besides the breathless reviews from 6moons, everyone reviewing these amps are using them with very low-end / entry-level systems. Do these amps actually stand up to high end gear?
madavid 0:
You have started 16 post on Audiogon so far, and 13 of them have similar derogatory titles. Is this your way of asking a question or making a personal negative statement? If asking an honest question, you will get far more responses by starting your discussions with a title like "What are your thoughts on Job amps?" 

Which report(s) did you read led you to believe they lack in body and color? 
I can't recall specifically, because it's been some time since they were "this years girl", but at that time, I read about them several times and that was my impression. Obviously, my third hand impression is worth nothing since I never even heard one.

Why do you ask? Agree with bigshutterbug. Try "nice", it really works.
No, this amp is fantastic and a good dose of the very high end for not allot of dough. It responds drastically to different power cables, unlike any other amp I have tried. This is likely why there are mixed reviews. Find the right power cable, and it gets extremely good.