Jolida 502A - Other owners, what speakers?

Got a Jolida 502A on the way and I need to get some speakers. What is everyone else with this amp using for speakers? I realize that my music taste, source and room layout will factor in but, if possible, I'd like a short list of what I should audition. Will probably be paired with a Pioneer DV-05 for now until I can get a Rega Planet Orig/2000. Thanks.
Well I'm semi-retired, but I'm running an old pair of BA A-60s with my 502A. Of course, I'm looking for something better (especially since I blew a tweeter Saturday (wonder how hard it'll be to find a replacement)). Truth is, I'm seriously considering a pair of Tylers. btw, I've gotten (and still getting) a lot of enjoyment out of my 502a, it's definely a keeper.
The main speakers I use w/ my 502A is a pair of Tannoy DMT10 Mk2 studio monitors. These are 94dB efficient thereby making the 60W/ch (I'm using KT88 right now) plenty. In this setup I'm using the 502A as an integrated amp i.e. CD to amp, amp to speakers.
I've also used my 502A with my Green Mountain Audio C1.5i floor-standers to very good effect. The C1.5i are 89dB efficient but the 60W/ch seems to be plenty in this case as well. I ran the 502A thru a preamp in this setup.
I used a Planet 2000 and a 502 to power a pair of Magnepan MMGs in a small room.

I later replaced the MMGs with Soliloquy 5.3s, while not as open as Magnepans, were also a good match.
i use a 502B modded and do not know if there is much diff between 502A. same 60 wpc. fwiw tho, i use meadowlark kestrel 2's. at 89db and 'stable' ohm resistance i think they are a very good match. have to find used as m-lark is defunct but drivers are apparently easy to locate should one blow.