Joseph Audio RM25XL

I had a pair of JSE Infinite Slopes back in the 80's and loved their sound, but they were a bit bass shy. I just acquired a pair of RM25XL speakers and got them set up this afternoon. Out of the box, for some reason, they were not that impressive, but after a few hours of listening to them, I am just blown away. The soundstage is immense with the players suspended in air. The extension on the upper end is very impressive and the low end, while not extremely low, is very well controlled and powerful. I have heard a ton of really fine speakers in this price range, but I must say these speakers have absolutely no deficiencies. I wouldn't describe them as particularly "warm", rather extremely accurate and musical. I am using a Modwright KWA 100SE amp and a Belles 22A preamp and these speakers are simply creating a magical sound I have not heard before in my listening room. All plans for off for tonight... I am gonna be tipping a few brewski's and getting acquainted with these fine new speakers.
Congrats - great speakers and system you have there. I have heard them many times at audio shows and was always very impressed...enjoy!
I'm sure they are outstanding. I briefly had a pair of RM22XL speakers which are identical to the RM25XL except for the additional woofer on the 25s and related changes (cabinet, crossover, etc.) I regretted not getting the 25s since the sound signature should be the same but the 25s should have an enhanced lower midrange and upper bass, which I felt were the main deficiencies in the 22s.

The 22s were extra fast and precise, detailed, huge soundstage, just as the all the reviews said (you might want to check out the reviews on the 25s), actually giving my big Maggies a run for the money (I'm not kidding!)

If I had bought the 25s, I'm sure I'd still have them.
Great speakers.
I have a pair of the rm 25 mk II's for over ten years.
They are not my main speaker anymore, but they have been moved to bedroom duty.
I would never sell them. They are the best balanced, biggest sweetspot, most enjoyable speakers i have ever heard for anywhere close to their asking price.
Glad you are enjoying them, I have a pair and would love to know what speaker wires you are using.
I am glad you are enjoying the xl25's. Had mine for almost 6 years. Make sure they are on solid footing. Only thinking about upgrading in the Joseph line. [ Although I could be persuaded if an Devore Orangutan became available)

Rspark, I am currently using Teresonic speaker cable's. They come up used every now and then.