Jungson JA88D anyone?

Anybody own or have auditioned this amp? Any reliability issues? I'm considering a integrated amp with balanced inputs. How do you think it compares with the Krell Kav400xi?
there is a review in the british hi fi world: may 2006
the review is better than bfs
by the way it got 5 stars out of 5 stars
it says that it is a sugden a21a on steroids
i buy the issue by chance
The Jungson is an amazing amplifier at the price. It is big, heavy an really ugly...but ist sounds very musical. Most obvius is its clarity. The class A experience is something special. Yes you can buy better (I use the Jungson in a second set up, and compared to my McIntosh C42/MC352 the choice is obvious) but if you have 1.200 USD or so to spent it is a must audition.
Hope this helps
I just purchased Jungson JA88D from fellow Agoner for bedroom system. When I received it, unlike above posts I was amazed at how nice it looks with mirror chrome finish and lighted meters which exudes high quality look. So, out of curiosity I compared it with modded Bel Canto Reference 1000 digital amps and MBL 9007 amps. To my surprise, it held its own is sound quality department. IMO, it blew away Bel Canto Ref 1000 by large margin in mid and high frequency soundstage and lush, relaxed and effortless presentation. Very musical much like tube amps. Compared to MBL9007 it doesn't have the viceral dynamics and realism but hey at 1/20th the price what a smoking and sleeper of a deal. It it sounds this good and weights this much, by default I would think they are using very high quality components. If anyone has amplifier version, please PM me, I'll give you the best price for them.
I have the JA-99C/1C combination. I have compared the power amplifier against a Perreaux 250wts power amplifier, and the pre amp against a Plinius M-16 from memory. The Jungson did make the Perreaux sound like a toy in comparisson, the Perreaux sounded very harsh and unmusical, and was especially lacking in the mid range. The Plinius was again harsh and unmusical in comparisson in combination with the jungson power amplifier. The jungson sound is very nice in the mid range, the only reservation I have about the pre-amplifier is that it lacks in the upper range in extention and air. It sounds ever so slightly topped off in that area, alsmost like the pre-amp seeks to make the amp sound less trebble rich and fast. Overall I have preferred using the pre amp instead of direct from a denon s-10 cd player, it makes the music sound wider and more controlled, but slightly less direct plus a slight frequency cut off in the high registers. Which is in my opinion the only weakness the pre and power amplifier exhibit. If one was to use the power amplifier with a very good tube pre amplifier I think you should be very impressed. I have compared this to one tube pre amplifier about US$2000, and the Jungson pre amplifier sounded again far more rounded and musical, the particular tube pre did bring out more bass depth and extention. Overall I prefered the Jungson pre amplifier much more, the whole range was much more natural. From my limited audio experience I would think this combination would be in the US$5000-6000 price range in performance, possibly more. I have used silver or gold coated silver connections to bring the speed up, which the amplifier needs. My system has been denon S-10 cd player, Faroudja DV-1000 cd dvd player and Mordaunt Short Signifer speakers.
I live in China and this JA-88D has been offered to me for very little money. I am to use it with my ( dont kill me now ) home theather system which is Denon. I simple dont have enough power to drive my 15" front speakers and a local suggested these to me. can you recommend this amp as a power amp used with my current Denon? It will mainly be used for movies and club music.

or should I just get a NADC272 which actually will cost me more.
