KEF Blade 2 as replacement for Reference 107/2

A former owner of KEF Reference 107/2s posted that he moved to Blades, and that it is the obvious progression. I really love the sound of my 107/2s, and John Atkinson and Tom Norton raved about them in their reviews a few decades ago, but I'm wondering if it's time to move on. I haven't heard either the Blade or Blade 2s. Anyone had the opportunity to compare 107/2s with Blade 2s? I've had a lot of opportunity to compare the sound of the 107/2s with LS50s supplemented by Velodyne HGS-10 subs. The LS50s are amazing speakers, but not quite 107/2s, especially for large orchestrations.

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I have heard the Blades (not the Blade 2s), several times.  I had never liked them much.  I found the sound pinched, congested and centered in the upper midrange.  Then I heard them driven by Odyssey Stratos Mono Extremes.  It was like another speaker altogether.  Point of the post is that, with the Blades, amplification selection is critical.  Not just watts, but the quality of the watts.
Anyone know the closest place to Santa Barbara, CA where I could hear Blade 2s?  KEF isn't very helpful in this regard.
Bump, What ever happened? I had the R 107/2 for some years and it took a lot more $$$’s to find a pair that were an appreciable upgrade. 

@steve59 I see you are selling your Blades now.  What are you keeping or replacing them with?  I have 107's, Tannoy Arden's, and LS50's.  Was all content but then I went to AXPONA.  I really liked the Janszen A8-SE's, of all things.  But would have to do another audition before I'd give up what I have.  Plus the price of those Janszens (new) is as much as used Blades, which I have kind of lusted after...

How did you find the Blades compared to the 107/2's?  I do really like my 107's...especially for the money.  Ridiculous Price:Performance ratio, IMHO.

I’ve often regretted giving away the 107/2s. I did so because the KUBE wasn’t balanced, and I was moving to an all Ayre set up: DX-5 DSD, QX-5 Twenty, KX-5 Twenty, and VX-5 Twenty, that sounds best balanced. I replaced the 107/2s with Reference 1s, augmented with a pair of Velodyne HGS-15s with SMS-1 acoustic bass management and high-passed with a passive balanced Marchand filter. I’ve yet to hear Blade 2s or 207/2s.
