No Mr. Feil, it wasn't. Said dealer doesn't post on these forums, said dealer is selling millions of dollars of gear and we spoke to them they realized that their display isn't great either and in fact we made recommendations to them on what they can do better.
We don't have an issue with this company and so we don't want to have one with them we both sell some of the same products and they are very nice people with a terrific business model, they are 75% internet sales, we are 90% walk in sales with 10% internet.
Most of the time during these discussions the client or poster mentions where they heard the product.
As per being a professional we are. Our reputation, Google and Yelp reviews, brands carries, and the response of people who have visited our store and bought products tell our story.
Your childish behavior and antipathy towards us as well as your bragging about how many homes you have has nothing to do with audio and it demonstrates your character.
Mr. Feil, please stick to the subject at hand loudspeakers. Thank you.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ