KEF blades 2 or Dynaudio C4?

Hi guys, I am trying very soon the Luxman monos M900. I am wondering based on your experience and knowledge which speakers of these two would be a better match for them?
My room 18x12. High ceilings.
I prefer low volume music effortless neutral sound. I had owned KEF 3 and I liked them a lot.
But today I asked three dealers and I got mixed opinions. 
I do appreciate your time giving me your opinion. Kind regards.
Thank you.

Children!  This hobby is supposed to be fun.  Can we agree to refrain from the personal attacks and nasty comments?  They don’t contribute to this board and only reflect negatively on the people who engage in this behavior.  Let’s enjoy audio and try to help each other.  
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I agree with fast.  

Even if I don't agree with someone's speaker choice I do my best to try and understand their choice.    In fact, I can usually find an aspect I enjoy and if their is none, we can enjoy what is most important the music.

I would rather listen to good music on a bad system then bad music on a good system.
None of the above speakers are "better" than what you currently have... Kef Blades especially, are exceptionally mediocre.... C4 as with most Dynaudio are just bland..... If you are itching for new hi fi ish sounding speakers that would sound great in your room/set-up, try the new Bowers & Wilkins 703 S2 in rosewood (black finish makes them slightly  but noticeably brighter sounding, due to the polished surface)... At about $ 3200 or so, these are much more musically coherent than ANY Kefs at ANY price, especially with your amps .... Just need about 500-600 hour break in . You just need to listen to these with an open mind and ignore the equipment price/sound perception that afflicts most folks in this hobby... The Luxman amps are utterly mediocre and flat sounding as well, considering their price, as is the most modern hi fi gear from Japan .... Just my couple of cents ...