KEF blades 2 or Dynaudio C4?

Hi guys, I am trying very soon the Luxman monos M900. I am wondering based on your experience and knowledge which speakers of these two would be a better match for them?
My room 18x12. High ceilings.
I prefer low volume music effortless neutral sound. I had owned KEF 3 and I liked them a lot.
But today I asked three dealers and I got mixed opinions. 
I do appreciate your time giving me your opinion. Kind regards.
Thank you.


The issue is when certain people attack others for no reason.

When you are a displaying dealer it kind of makes you an expert on that product, hence one must question the motivation of someone who has never sold that product, which then leads to the discussion of the expertise of lack of expertise of  both parties. 

The kind of store and the products you sell set a benchmark on to the type of dealer you are either you are an A list dealer selling the best brands of gear which are not easy to get those franchises or you are not,  it is like selling Mercedes or BMW vs selling a much lesser known less respected car, that is not to say that some of these lesser known audio brands are not good, but as mentioned before there are benchmark products that many brands are going to be compared to so by having those products it does help to establish your frame of reference. 

Kot thank you for your kind words you kind of have me at a disadvantage, can you PM so I know who you are? As per the Synthesis the A100T is one incredible intergraded tube amp and the built in dac is really quite good.  If you have never visited our store please come in for a visit we have some really cool gear on display, including Naim reference stack, T+A gear, KEF, Dali, Paradigm, Legacy, ATC, Rethem, Quad, Cabasse speakers, CJ, Manley and so many others. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Up to this day (my life experience includes 4 years of undergraduate study BS, 2 years of post graduate study MBA, 4 years US Navy, and 30 years as an executive in the chemical industry) I’ve had the opportunity to travel on 4 continents meeting tens of thousands of people. Physicists, accountants, engineers, CEO’s, chemists, production workers, CFO’s, marketing managers, truck drivers, physicians, computer analysts, logistics managers, sales directors, etc. i.e employees from virtually all occupations representing many industries.

The common thread running through all these individuals is the very best of them, the leaders in their fields, the most knowledgeable, the crème de la crème if you will, never consider themselves “experts”. They are astute and wise enough to understand their limitations and shortcomings but instead realize they have much more to learn.

So when you read a chest thumping rooster proclaiming himself (herself) an “expert”, understand it’s almost always a self absorbed inflated ego making noise not expertise you’re hearing and please consider the agenda behind it.

Apologies to mountainsong for getting off the topic.....
David, I almost bought the Apogee Divas from Sound by Singer in mid 90s, during one of those Apogee&mini audio show seminars that Andy Singer ’s store graciously held (and those were really educational and enlightening for young people such as myself, talk about Andy Singer’s foresight and business acumen), and Jason Bloom (RIP) conducted.... You were VERY enthusiastic about those marvelous DIVAS and rightfully so... To this very day I regret NOT buying them from you that day, but alas there were too big for those damned NYC apartments with their cramped dimensions and litigious neighbors (sigh)... Now THOSE DIVAS were a masterpiece worthy of your enthusiasm, unlike many modern day mass market sound pressure producers that would make one’s ears hurt ....

As far as the Synthesis the AT line is good, but their Metropolis integrated with kt 66 could be of the reference quality (with the Mastersound sadly having ridiculously pricing themselves into the insane regions) ... They have finally  revised the internals ( I guess they had realized that 8 kt 66 tubes half an inch away from a logic board, and crucial connections was a ticking melt down bomb, that an audiophile acquaintance of mine experienced in Italy).... But that is the subject of another discussion :)... Good listening evening to you , sir :)
@audiotroy what you say seems accurate, an expert on the products you sell.  However, I do not think this is the issue.  

I surmise a Honda salesman is an expert in Honda’s too.  However, you think as a car buyer I walk-in asking said salesman, “Honda or Toyota” Toyota will get a fair shake?  

If i may ask, What are your top 3 speakers you do not sell?  
Focal Sopra are superb, haven't heard the new Magico A3 but am I dying to,

There are very few speakers that we don't sell that we would actually would want to.
We used to sell the Scaena Line arrays mind blowing, the company was impossible to do business with the speakers were really fantastic.

Top three lines to answer you question:
1: Focal Sopra2: Scaena Line Arrays3: Magico A3 depending on voicing if they sound less sterile then when we last heard them.
Dave and TroyAudio Doctor NJ