Ken Fritz's $1M Dream System update

If you haven’t heard about Ken’s story, it’s an interesting one and will punctuate the importance of balance in life.

Here’s somehting I cam across with how much his system actually went for:



Never miss a chance for a political dig. It’s the American (Audiogon?) way….

I was wondering where we all can come to cry about the results tonight. Two separate threads, obviously.

I think it's sad women are not part of taking an interest in this hobby in a meaningful way. Maybe this explains why there are so many single chairs in listening rooms which I think is really kind of sad

a single chair in a listening room is the symbol or loneliness or selfishness. 

Unless of course the wife took the other chair out to the patio....

This system's use was limited to a minuscule sweet spot of only a couple of seats when in a concert hall there are hundreds and sometimes thousands of seats. A music system or home theater should offer a shared experience with friends. That is the problem with how wasteful the system was. The children should not have working on it or any other hobby they do not choose forced down their throats. 

To be honest with ourselves, can we really notice the difference between an overpriced system and one that most of us can afford without having to have unrealistic sensitivity to sound characteristics? Even for the few who do, concentrating to evaluate subtle differences in soundstage and the like will cost the attention to the emotional content of the music. 

There is no reason to envy systems that cost six figures with the likes of speaker cables that cost five figures and sound better by placebo effect.