Kevin gets the

Both Stereophile and Absolute Sound review Prima Luna's integrated at the same time...did Kevin threaten to pull his full page ads or else? Don't get me wrong, I have purchased many a tube etc. from Kevin over the years, and he has always been courteous and quite helpful... But this is a perfect example how the world has always worked , and as much as the Internet makes me crazy at times I'm grateful for the free exchange of opinions we still have on sites like Audiogon etc.
Goldenear1948, it seems as if you are starting to figure out who's behind the curtain. Kevin is not alone back there, the glossy rags have served their masters (advertisers) well for decades now.

All of the reviewers today remind me of Julian Hirsch's writing in Stereo Review in the 70's and 80's. "Of all of the speakers that I have listened to in the last 20 years, these XXXX speakers are certainly one of them." LOL!!!
Based solely on my experience with their tubes; the quality, testing procedures, knowledge base and customer service, of Upscale, are second to none. Kevin's attitude, at times, less so. Whether he has the juice, via his many ad $$$, to coerce TAS? Can't say/hope not. They HAVE reviewed most of what PrimaLuna has built in the past, though.
I like the Prima Luna stuff I have heard, no contrary opinions from me on the reviews, but it does seem odd, the timing.

On Upscale, I have had 75% positive experiences. I called for something else and was talked into buying a Cary Audio SLP 98P F-1, with all of the bells and whistles. I got a great deal, and I'm sure he was glad to get it off of the shelf. When it came there was a serious problem (which turned out to have an easy fix), and he got me on the phone with Cary Audio and got the unit shipped to them and fixed in a hurry. That is one of my all time favorite sounding pieces, and it's still in my system. I have referred several other Non-Audiophile friends to Upscale as well, and all were treated well, and have very positive experiences.

But, when I was doing some tube rolling, and bought some expensive tubes from Upscale, that did not meet the described sound. I was left just SOL, with no return. I had to sell them myself, and took a not insignificant loss. I don't buy tubes from them anymore.
Mr M- Had those tubes been defective; they would, no doubt, have been replaced. I could be wrong, but- I don't believe any tube vendors offer a return, based on customer's tastes, or the way the tubes(NOS or new, anyway) sound in their system. At least; I've never heard of one. The tubes would then have to be sold as, "used." Vendors would not stay in business for very long, if they had that policy.
Kevin was nice on the phone when I called for tube info once...and I don't criticize his good fortune in "review land" or Primaluna gear in is merely worth being Ever Vigilant and an both an opportunity for smarmy self righteousness and another plug for Jolida.