Kharma 3.2.2: which tube amp to use?

After living with Kharma 3.2 and now 3.2.2 for 5 years with SS amplification, I am looking to try out a tube amp. My current amp is Goldmund Telos 400 (being put on sale on A’gon). My preamp is Vitus SL101. My room is 10’ x 14’. My source is a TW Acustic turntable. Current sound is fast, highly detailed, with great imaging. But on the dry and analytical side. I hope a tube amp can fill in some of the missing midrange harmonics and timbres, add bit more air and bloom. Add bit more flesh on the bones.
I am looking at SET amp and not sure which one will drive my 3.2.2 (90db, 3.5 – 4ohm) without giving me loose bass, and also not too much heat (considering my smallish room). I read Kharma 3.2 was voiced with Lamm (don’t know which model).
Your suggestions will be much appreciated.
Forgot to mention the Atmosphere line of tube products!

Some superb designs,that are not too pricey,and the best part of it is the mfgr is a "truly" concerned person,that will always be there for you....This is a "BIG" plus,in today's world.
Hotbird: Thor has been purchased buy Pauls' original dealer...and as of now constructing the workplace....( for info )..Should be interesting...
Thanks folks for your suggestions. The research is still on.
I happen to read about the two-chasis Artemis Labs SP-1 stereo amp of 18W 300B based SET, which garnered high marks with the TAS magazine. Has anyone had first hand experience with this amp and could share?
Hi all, I settled on the Lamm ML2.1 of 18 SET watts. I took a gamble of course since the local dealer didn't carry any stock for me to do home demo. The ate now at half way mark of burn-in according to factory recommendation. I recognize my Kharma 3.2.2's 90dB effciency is not ideal match. However, and to my surprise, these 18 watts of SET give more bass output than my 350 wpc Goldmund. On top of that, the lamm sounds more natural, sweeter, more 3-D with better depth, harmonically richer. After full burn-in, will report back again. At this time, no regret changing the Goldmund to the Lamm, except the heat.
I could not imagine a better match.I've heard that combo many times...Heavenly!!!

Best of luck