Killer vintage 70's, 80's reel to reel to add to my setup.

Hey everyone. Looking to add a Killer vintage R2R from the 70’s, 80’s to my current analogue setup that includes the Luxman PD444 and Victor TT-101 tables. I like the looks of the 70’s, 80’s but want to hear what you suggest. I’ll tell you right now, I know nothing about R2R and look forward to everyone bringing me up to speed with the basics and deck suggestions. Budget is around $4500. Thanks! Brent

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For vintage I use Otari 5050, for new production Mataxas & Sins Tourbillon, for portability and fun a Stellavox SP-7.

Any thoughts on the Sony TC-765. Looks super. How's it compare to the Technics 1500 I wonder. 

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Sony TC-880 is impressive. Currently on the bay at $6000. Technics is pricey too but so pretty. Sony and Technics get the nod regarding matching with the look of my system. What other Brady Bunch age deck has this look and ability to do the job right. Thanks!