Maybe a separate thread for modifying this already great speaker?
Also, for whoever is planning to undertake these “upgrades” perhaps you can make a high quality recording before and after? There is always an element of a chef liking his own soup. It is unavoidable. Also, sometimes a perceived increase in detail can become fatiguing long term... Not to mention what it does to the resale price. For myself, I never buy anything that says it has been “modified” or “upgraded”.
Please no flames, I just don’t want folks tuning in to this thread to feel they should stay away from these because they don’t want to upgrade it. I have built many amps and am a V-cap fanboy but I am not considering changing one thing about this speaker. We all have our idea of a perfect tonal balance in a speaker. For me, this is it, as is.
Also, for whoever is planning to undertake these “upgrades” perhaps you can make a high quality recording before and after? There is always an element of a chef liking his own soup. It is unavoidable. Also, sometimes a perceived increase in detail can become fatiguing long term... Not to mention what it does to the resale price. For myself, I never buy anything that says it has been “modified” or “upgraded”.
Please no flames, I just don’t want folks tuning in to this thread to feel they should stay away from these because they don’t want to upgrade it. I have built many amps and am a V-cap fanboy but I am not considering changing one thing about this speaker. We all have our idea of a perfect tonal balance in a speaker. For me, this is it, as is.