KLIPSCH Heritage speakers .

 I have been an audio enthusiast for most of my life.
 I have went through a plethora of speakers.
 Way too many to name.
 I have been a sales person at Sensuous Sounds in Tampa  as well as  Sound Advice where we sold high-end McIntosh  equipment and speakers and so much more .
So I do have a little experience .
 I now have a McIntosh amplifier preamplifier and tuner.
 And the speaker I have chosen for my mains are Klipsch Cornwall..
 I think they are amazing..
 Is there anyone here that has any of the Heritage line...
Thank you.

Raymond Crowe
Lakeland Florida
I have the Klipsch Cornwall 3 Speakers. I'm using them with either a McIntosh MX-110 / MC-30 mono amps or a Dennis Had Inspire LP-27a / Inspire KT-66 SE amp. Couldn't be happier. After many years, I finally found the last system I will buy... my search is over. Give the Duelund cables a try... I have never enjoyed listening to music as much as I have with this combo. I'm done looking and couldn't be happier.
Klipsch Heresy I's and Heresy II's.  

This Central Florida(Kissimme/Saint Cloud) boy loves them.

My good buddy in Plant City has LaScalas L-C-R in his theater room.

I have the Cornwall ll's and bought them shortly after they came out in 1986. Depending on what you are wanting in a system or listening for, they are what I consider a lifetime speaker. You can push with the wattage of a transistor radio. Considering the age of the speaker, very very efficient. I run mine with a Klipsch 10" subwoofer. When my son was growing up & home before me after school, once home from work, I always knew when he had the stereo cranked up. I had things that had fallen off the walls & broke, Those incidences were prior to my owning the Klipsch sub...Lol. Excellent choice!!!My only issue is I am wanting to get a vintage receiver and am not sure which ones would be good choices, that & I'm on a limited budget...
I have owned cornwall IIs, cornscalas, forte IIIs, and now klipschorns. I guess you could say I like 'em too..........


Hi Raymond,
I too have a pair of Cornwall IIIs, love them. Drive them with a Yamaha AS2100 Integrated Amp.