Know of a "Dirt Cheap" tweak?

I am looking for tweaks to improve the overall sound quality of my audio system. I recently purchased some TPC contact cleaner and it made a believer out of me. I noticed a signicant improvement, as if a veil was lifted my system sounded more clear and transparent. Bass got tighter too. Do you know of any cheap tweaks that have made a SIGNIFICANT improvement to the sound quality of your Hifi system...let us know... :-) Comments welcomed!
Sand in zip-lock bags to be placed on top of cd players, dac, speakers even sides of turntables to add some weight, this will cut down on vibration.
Finyl. It s a clear liquid spray you spray on Cd s and then polish. I ordered some from ufh magazine audiophile store one day when I was bored. I was expecting nothing but know they wouldn't use it if they didn't hear an improvment of at least a little bit. Cautiously I took an old classical Deutsche Grammophon and followed the instructons. I was stunned to hear an almost unlistenable cd/ very bright/ become listenable. I seemed to take the top end grain right off. Next I tried my new Patrica O'Callaghan. The speakers just dissapeared. The sound stage moved up, out and back. Seriously. I was sitting im my chair trying to figure this out. I looked again at the back of the instructions and it said "smooths out brightness and improves sound stage". I thought maybe it worked well because I only have a Marantz 67se cd plaver and it could maybe use some help. So I Emailed UHF mag and asked if my this meant my player needed upgrading. They said they had heard improvments in very high end players. How much I dont know. I have done about 25 discs now and notice It affects some more than others but when it works its not one of these tweeks you have to strain to know if its better. It really stands out. Galen Carol has a product similar called Optrix. He says he has not compared the two but has been told Optrix works better. The products are supposed to prevent laser light diffraction. Cheers steve
Turn your equipment on a couple of hours in advance; start your listening session after midnight; listen in total darkness (except for the glow of the tubes, if any) - which may mean putting electrician's tape over annoying indicator lights; and eat a bar of chocolate at the beginning of the listening session.
That's interesting, audiokinesis. I've found that the chocolate actually deadens the vibrations in my stomach, much better than the bags of sand mentioned by Bozo.