Soundbuff, By all reports that I have ever read, the Urushi acts as if it does have a very low compliance in that it "likes" tonearms with high effective mass. For example, many have written in these forums that the Fidelity Research FR64S and especially the FR66S are "made in heaven" for the Koetsu cartridges. Can you quote your sources to the effect that the vertical compliance is higher than the manufacturer's published data? Also, can you say what is the effective mass of the T3b and the Original Live, respectively?
I own an Urushi and have only so far used it in a Triplanar, which is "medium mass" as tonearms go. I plan to try it in a FR64S soon.
I own an Urushi and have only so far used it in a Triplanar, which is "medium mass" as tonearms go. I plan to try it in a FR64S soon.