Koetsu Jade Platinum vs. Koetsu Jade Plat. Diamond

Has anyone compared the 2 cartridges and what differences did you hear.
Hi,maybe I should word this a little better,has anyone had a onyx or jade platinum and upgraded or heard the diamond platinum version.I am thinking of upgrading from a onyx platinum and would like to know.
the proper koetsu name for the diamond version of the jade platinum is the "burma jade." i own a burma jade and have compared it in my system and my dealer's to the onyx and jade platinums, which are the same cartridges but for the body material. the burma jade is quite clearly within the sound "style" of the other upper eschelon stone-bodied koetsus but takes that style several steps beyond. its musicality and detail are so perfectly combined that it suffers nothing in comparison to the highest end insiders, lyras or the like. i can't recommend it too highly.

associated equipment: clearaudio anniversary, with synchro, outer ring, etc; graham phantom; aesthetix io signature phono; boulder pre and nagra vpa's.
Thanks Cornfedboy for your input,it helps me out on making my decision very easy.I to have a graham phantom arm,does the Burma Jade track at the same force as a onyx platinum (around 2 grams.)