Konfounding Kinks

Sometimes we revisit old favorites with new appreciation. the kinks had a run of albums..'face to face', 'something else', 'the village green preservation society', and 'arthur' which rank with the best of any rock band at the time, and lately i have started to spin them alot. any kinks fans ever kontimplate just how incrdible they were?
The Kinks get a large % of the available listening time in my house. They were a venturesome group artistically and pushed a lot of limits in their day + a lot of their stuff including material from their artsy/higher concept days in the early 70's holds up very well to this day.

Pop/rock music owes a lot more to those guys then I think they they ever get credit for.
i actually thought their heyday went right up through 'everybody's in showbiz'. one night after a flight back home, i heard 'victoria' on the radio and had a religious experience(first time in my lifetime i ever heard that song on fm radio).
Couldn't agree with you more. If you haven't heard it yet check out the double CD 'To The Bone'. It was recorded in 94' at Konk Studio in front of a small audience and includes a lot of their best hits. It's out of print but can be found on Ebay.
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