Krell amp with Zu Essence speaker

I currently have Krell Evolution 400 monoblocks. I have ordered Zu Essence speakers. Will these two work together? I see most reviewers of the Zu use low power tube amps. Will this amp hurt the Zu?
Jet black gloss upgrade. Pic up on the "my system" link. I like the JL sub with the Essence. Set the low pass frequency at about 75 Hz, it sounds very good. Augments the low end of the Essence quite nicely.

I doubt you'll damage them with the Krells. It would get painfully loud before you even get close to overdriving them, or even straining them. Mine are loud with only 30 wpc. I can't imagine what 350 would be like. You're talking about more than a 9 dB jump with that sort of power. It would be brutal.
you might try McIntosh instead of the Krells if you wish to stay with solid state. more synergy indeed.
anyone here running the Essence with Peachtree Nova? I have the nova and looking to upgrade to the Essence
I don't think there is anything you can do to make a Zu sound....ummm... different.
I run them with a Moon i-3 integrated and they are just great. I will purchase a good SET when the piggy bank is full and improve on the Moon CD-1's DAC with either an Eastern Electric DAC+ or an AudioNote DAC. Moon is fab with the Essence speakers. I understand the Nelson Pass J2 is as well if you want to go with solid state. The speaker can harmonize well with both types of amplification.