Krell Evo vs Evo-enhance


I am considering between krell evo402 and 402e; beside evo400 and evo400e mono blocks. I have not audited them so not sure which are the most significant differences. are the new E amps better than the older evo ones?

In addition, how do you compare the above krell evo with pass labs xa 100.5 or goldmund telos 200 or Perreaux 750 or dartzeel nhb108 mondel 1 power amp?

Many thanks
There are many variables to a system. The success of a system is a result on the synergy between these variables.

I just find your concern (variable) that both monos are getting the proper electricity a bit over the top. I would assume the comparison between mono to stereo is keeping everything (system) constant and just swapping the amps and compare.

I guess it depends on the construction of your house and if you are concern about the wiring, it should be fairly easy to rewire a room.
Also I have 2 dedicated 20 amp lines for my sound system. Both lines are stable @120V. My mono amps are plugged directly into the wall outlets using 1 line so the variable where monos are not getting same juice is not on my list.

Besides sound, size/weight and flexible should be considered between stereo and monos. My last stereo amp was a Krell FPB600 and it was a PITA to move so will avoid big stereo amps in the future.

With monos, you can use shorter SC. My speakers are 13' apart c2c so monos work well in the configuration.
thank you very much for all of your comment. I now have another offer for Gryphon Encore power amp which 500wpc 8ohm and 1000wpc 4ohm. what do you think this with the krell evo402/e?
Game starts with the circuit box of the entire flat or house. IMO, the decisive factor is not the way how inwall lines installed, BUT, how the circuit box SUPPLIED by the MAİN line. If it is weak and designed for a standart citizen, than, problems begin.
In my case, I replaced entire network, all main lines to my flat, all the critical circuit breakers in entire residense, even short circuit breakers in my flat, and commonuse in residence.( neighbours didn't pay me anything)
Afterwards, I have decided not to depend on AC from company but logical way to re-generate for entire flat, re distubute the phase, re-organize the circuit breakers, internal lines.
I ended up with: 2 5kw in line voltage regulater-stabilizer(audiophile grade, custom made) one for setup, one for rest of the flat, Lapp Kabel ollflex cable for setup supply, 32a AHP Klang Modul circuit breaker for setup. (all circuit breakers and cables are Made in Germany)
(I would recommend Oyaide Tunami cable for internal lines but it will be costly and technicians may extra charge due it is very heavy and not easily bendable)
You may ask that does it worth? Yes it does, at least, psychological......

We all have our own set of variables and priorities ... I'm SINCERELY impress with your efforts and I bet you are rewarded with great sound. Last year I replaced my outlets with Maestro outlets and could not believe the improvements so only could imagine your improvements.

I built my house ~10 years ago and was the GC (VERY BIG mistake). In hindsight, I should of spend more time designing the electrical for my sound system. Priorities priorities ... probably redo in the near future.