Krell Evolution 400e

Does anyone have or heard the Krell evo 400e monoblocks? If so, please give a short review. I'm wondering how quick they are and if they have the "slam" some of the old Krells have. Of course, also how musical are they?
I have not had the 400e mono's, but had the 403 and 403e, hell yes they have the slam you want and the bass control you expect from Krell, not like the 600's or 900's but you are looking at a different price point. They are much more musical than the older Krell stuff as well. Great amps IMHO.

I have the Krell 400e and previously I owned Krell KSA 100 and KSA 150 for many years.
The 400e has far better slam and bass control over the older Krell's, but also the quality is significant better, with distinctly more details in the low and mid-low regions.

Also the mid's and high's are far better and in my vieuw 400e gives a very balanced, natural, open and detailed sound without favouring undesirable one area above the other. Thus I find also the neutrality topnotch, which I can appreciate more and more over the time.

Said that the 600e is somewhat but nevertheless clearly more dynamic than 400e, but the latter is already very good in this respect.
Thanks for responding. I will certainly entertain the idea of picking up a set of these. I have been missing my old KMA 160's-anxious to get a similar sound back in the house. I emailed Krell on two different occasions-to no avail.
@ Handyman, Hi, Make a phone call at 9:00 am central time, hit promt 5 and talk to Ray Muchler the serice manager, If this does not work, of course keep calling, maybe leave a voice mail, they have always called me back!, Good luck!