Krell ksa-300s vs Pass Labs x-350

Anyone has the good fortune of auditioning/owning these two amps? And which one do you prefer?
I am a Krell owner, not a basher. I have had many pieces of Krell equipment including the two I own right now, but given the choice between those two amps I would not hesitate to get the Pass Labs.

I have never had a problem with Krell customer support or service. To the contrary I have found their support to be exemplary.

The point is, the Pass Labs X-350 is a better amp than the KSA series amps. I have thought about upgrading from my FPB 200 to the X-250 or X-350. Pass labs is making one of the best solid state amps available right now. I cannot imagine how you could be disappointed by it!

The Krell FPB300 and 600 (on now 400 and 700) will also blow away the KSA300S.

Having said that, I own and use the FPB300 for the top end of an actively crossed over speakers with the KSA300S for the most realistic, powerful low end imaginable.

I attend the symphony regularly, so my opinions are based on how systems sound in reference to live, unamplified concert music.

I hate to be a nay-sayer. However, I have heard awful things about the x-250. A friend of mine owned an FPB-200, which he upgraded (so he thought) to the x-250. He said it was one of the biggest audio mistakes he has ever made (just slightly worse than buying the Bose Lifestyles for surround sound). It lacked dynamic range and clarity in the highs. Furthermore, it was nowhere near as powerful. He also has B&W Nautilus 802's, and a Krell Class A front end. He owned the Pass amplifier for 2 weeks, before he purchased the Krell FPB-300cx. I strongly encourage you not to make the same sort of mistake.
I owned an X-150 for several years. The Pass amps are good, but perhaps not as good as their reputation.
Either Jim's friends ears are broke or the x-250 was broke. I had the fpb 200 for a year and when I upgraded to a Pass I was mad at myself for living with that overpriced, unmusical, grainy amp for so long. I dont know why someone would make a bad statement about an amp that they havent even heard, but instead give an opinion about what their "friend" heard. Personally I think this guy has some other motive behind his statement. I mean to compare a Pass x-series amp to bose! ahem... GET REAL. Pass amps on the contrary are one of the few amps that nobody has anything bad to say about. Im done.