Krell or Classe?

Well everyone I have an age old question. I need your thoughts on whether I should go with the Krell KAV-300i or the Classe CAP-150 integrated amps........thanks!
buy the krell ive compared both try different speakers like GershmanAcoustics or dynaudio b&w and of course your cd player; try Naims cd player 3.5 with flat cap power supply then right me back youll hear the diff. If you play your music loud go for B&W or CELESTION another great speaker A3
In my opinion these are both extremely good units. I prefer the Krell for music which has a lot of material below 100hz. Bass and transiets are the krells stronghold. However, the highs can tend to be aggressive at times. It is very important how you match the system in terms of cables and interconnects. The classe has a much warmer presentation which some may find more favorable for music like string quartets. I think the classe does not have the bottom end of the Krell. It all boils down to what kind of music you favor. If you want the best of both worlds consider the Plinius 8150. Again, this just my opinion.
Try the Pilinius 8150. It will blow both the Krell & the Classé out of the water. But then again everything is on the rest of the system how each of the amplifiers will end up sounding. I was comparing the Krell, Classe and the YBA DT, I almost bought the YBA but when I listened to the Pilinius it was very clear what is the best integrated on the market.
I am a systems designer for a well regarded custom installer in the midwest (also hi-fi salon ie, sonic frontiers,classe,krell,anthem,mcintosh,genesis,hales audio,snell acoustics,etc)I have spent countless hours listening to both the CAP-150/151 and krell 300i with all manner of digital front ends through numerous speakers. I have found both to be fully satisfying entry level hi-fi integrated amps. However, they are also very different sounding. The classe is VERY smooth and detailed in the upper-mids and the highs,base slam on the other hand is decidedly lacking. The Krell has incredibly controlled base and what seems to be unlimited head-room, however, DO NOT use this integrated with a forward (aka.BRIGHT)sounding speaker. The krell's mids and highs are very clean with a tendency toward being a bit analytical,(neutral). I would personally suggest the choice be made using musical preferences, Classe if most listened music is light jazz to string or piano classical, Krell if most listened music is orchestral,rock,blues,etc. I hope this helps,if any questions please e-mail me at:
See the very positive review of the new Krell receiver in this month's Absolute Sound. The amp/preamp section is the same as the KAV-300i. Unless you have something else in the system with a harsh top end (CD player, speakers), go with the Krell. Consider buying a used unit, if you want to save money -- they're available for about $1500 - $1600.