Krell showcase or other 5 channel amp

I own a Parasound 1205A and am looking for something that would be an upgrade. I want an amp with balanced inputs and need it to be in black (which seems to cut down your choices in high end amps these days). I am wondering if the Showcase would really be an improvement over what I have. I am somewhat suspicious of these newer Krells (as compared to, say, the Krell TAS which looks like a real Krell!). Would I be getting just the name or a real sonic improvement?

I have B&W803N's, and would get a Classe, but they seem very rare on the used market. The Dreadnaught seems like a great idea, but perhaps a bit more expensive. Any other suggestions?
I used to own the 1205A and its a good amp but can definitely be improved upon. Have not heard/demoed the showcase but the TAS is worth it. Even better is the Dreadnaught with the 200 or 225 (Dreadnaught II) modules. I am very impressed with the D'naught II driving the Martin Logan's. I would stay away from Bryston (lacks transparency), Cary (reliability?) but consider the newer Delta series Classe.
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I also recommend the Cary Cinema 5. Each channel accepts either bal or unbal inputs independently. Suitable for both HT and music - decent extended lows, rich and textured mids, sweet highs, no electronic glare and a decent soundstage. It's quite impressive for $1000 per channel. I believe it's also available in a black faceplate.
Thanks for all your suggestions.

It is amazing to me how controversial the Bryston amps are. I've never had a chance to hear them...I am also confused about those Earthquake amps. High power yes. Refined and transparent? What do people think?

Has anyone spent time comparing a Dreadnaught I and II?

If anybody has a 5 channel 225watt Dreadnaught II in black, a Cary 5 or Krell TAS in black, or a Delta series Classe they should contact me.
Also, does anyone have experience with the Edge GAV, other than the fact that Absolute Sound seems to love Edge?