
Hi everybody,
about a year ago I bought a FPB-XXX cx by Krell as second hand unit from ufficial distributer.
It sound great and drives my speakers the way I was expecting from a Krell.
But.... had a surprise! one day opening the top cover I noticed that the left Assembly of my FPB-XXX cx were used the usual blue 8 capacitors, while in the right assembly al capacitor were black (different brand)!
Had an answer from Krell it says......"are
original and factory installed. Assembly of this FPB-XXX cx was during a
transition period where we were phasing out of blue capacitors and
incorporating black capacitors which have the same value and specifications"......I'm sorry this is unbelievable!
Any opinion?
A disappointed!
I've personally seen this on a pair of large Threshold monoblocs with sequential serial numbers.
Different brands of capacitors in each amp.
We all thought it should not have been done, but nobody who heard them set up at the store could hear the difference...

I get that one can tell a difference between wires , interconnect and speaker cables that is - power cords - well - if of decent gauge and with quality connectors - then not so much. I can certainly also agree that proper mechanical isolation of components is important, and yes stuff breaks in.

I'd put power supply capacitors right up there with my take on power cords i.e.. if they are of good quality and properly installed then I doubt if anyone would be able to tell a difference between a blue one and a black one, never mind how golden eared one are.

Good listening

Peter, in my experience with mods I can indeed hear differences in power supply caps. This has been true with caps like Black Gate and some of the newer ones from Mundorf. My wife must also be golden eared and blessed like me for hearing a difference. Power cords of good quality sound quite different indeed.