Has anyone tried the ERGO (Enhanced Room Geometry Optimization) from KRK Systems?

Some dealers are suggesting using this unit in their listening rooms to correct room issues in order to get better sound. Originally created for recording studios but apparently people have been having great results in their listening rooms with this unit.

It retails for about $500US.
Been looking into it, but concerned about possible latency issues. (time it takes signal to go thru unit) Not an issue if using unit full range, but problematic if using just for subwoofers (not intended use)List is around $799 & uses licensed lyngdorf technology. I'm using velodyne sms-1 sub-eq's now (3), but doesn't correct for time, just freq. aberations. Reluctant to run SOTA tube components thru a $500 processor box(Full range). SVS/Audyssey has competing product, but you have to use a AV pre with digital delays (or outboard digital delay) to sync up with main speakers due to 7.5 ms latency of processor. Ergo operates up to 500hz., not sure about adyssey. Have e-mail in to tech support at KRK about latency of ergo using analog ins & outs, but haven't recieved a reply yet.
Good point about the latency.

I'm not concerned about my present set-up since the ERGO would be between my pre-amp and power amp and my sub connects to the pass-through port of my power amp. But what if I were to ever upgrade my power amp and the new one would not have a pass-through port.

I will ask too and see if we get the same answer.
Take a look at the JBL MSC1:
