I have only come across the VD and K/S cables at audio shows, generally speaking they tend to be present in very good systems there.
From what I heard, I think the VD cables are excellent (in Montreal this year, they were using the Genesis series cables throughout). Very good dynamics, musical, well controlled bass (they were using some isolation throughout the system), forward presentation, excellent resolution, big soundstage.
The best way to describe what I heard in the K/S room was a sound with no restriction/limit in the highs yet a complete lack of aggression/grain/glare here, perfect coherence throughout the spectrum, very well articulated bass, still musical, complete ease to the overall sound, effortless presentation although dynamics were not on par with the VD cabled system. I think the sense of space/ambiance was rendered better in the MBL/Tenor/Kharma/Kubala-Sosna system then in the Emm Labs/Luminance/(forget the speakers)/Virtual Dynamics system.
Both systems sounded very good. If I had a choice, I would take the Kubala cabled system. There was some real magic here without the attempt to impress, unlike the VD cabled system.
But these are just personal opinions.