About a year ago, I noticed one of my 13" woofers, in my Wilson Maxx II's, was breaking up under heavy bass, such as David Gilmour's "In Any Tongue." I figured the speaker was terminal. Peter was kind enough to recommend Bill @ Millersound.com, as a possible means to repair it. Eric suggested it may be a loose dust cover. Many told me how foolish I would be, if I didn't replace the driver with a factory spec speaker. The reason I waited so long to act is I had to drive the speaker really hard, before the problem would manifest itself. Maybe 80-85 db, with heavy bass content. Bill @ Miller Sound advised me it would probably cost $200, to perform a repair. sight unseen. I was going to be out of town for a couple of weeks, so I decided it would be a good time to send it to Bill. Aprox a week later, I received an email from Bill telling me I had a loose voice coil and the repair would only be $40! Wow-what a honest man! I still have my original spec woofer and saved $960, which is what my dealer told me a new woofer would cost. If you ever have a speaker problem, I can whole heartedly recommend Millersound.com. An honest man who does extremely good work. You were right Eric-loose dust cap/voice coil. Thanks for the info Peter.
I'm very "handy", mechanically and in electronics, but I would never attempt a DIY repair on such an expensive, delicate item, not having any experience. I'm not saying my dealer wouldn't have done the same thing as Bill, just glad I sent it to him for the repair. Again-thanks to Eric and Peter. You can find my original thread around Sept of 2016. I absolutely love this site, for learning and reading of other peoples questions and advice.
Bill Miller and wife sound specialist !!! If you want it done perfectly, Miller Sound, If you want a fair price Miller Sound, Old school all the way, and a 90.00 refund on top of everything.,......When you send a rare speaker, a special speaker, a cheap speaker.............The job is done perfectly, in a timely fashion....The most pleasant people to deal with............Absolutely never a problem...NEVER !!! Thanks Will
Kudos is a borrowing from the Greek, and in Greek the -os ending is singular. So it's one kudos. As with topos (sing.) / topoi (plur.), the correct plural following the Greek would be kudoi. Most people opt for it being unchanging (like sheep/sheep).
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