Kudo's to Miller Sound

About a year ago, I noticed one of my 13" woofers, in my Wilson Maxx II's, was breaking up under heavy bass, such as David Gilmour's "In Any Tongue."  I figured the speaker was terminal.  Peter was kind enough to recommend Bill @ Millersound.com, as a possible means to repair it.  Eric suggested it may be a loose dust cover.   Many told me how foolish I would be, if I didn't replace the driver with a factory spec speaker. The reason I waited so long to act is I had to drive the speaker really hard, before the problem would manifest itself.  Maybe 80-85 db, with heavy bass content.  Bill @ Miller Sound advised me it would probably cost $200, to perform a repair. sight unseen. I was going to be out of town for a couple of weeks, so I decided it would be a good time to send it to Bill.  Aprox a week later, I received an email from Bill telling me I had a loose voice coil and the repair would only be $40!  Wow-what a honest man!  I still have my original spec woofer and saved $960, which is what my dealer told me a new woofer would cost.  If you ever have a speaker problem, I can whole heartedly recommend Millersound.com.  An honest man who does extremely good work.  You were right Eric-loose dust cap/voice coil.  Thanks for the info Peter.
Kudos is a borrowing from the Greek, and in Greek the -os ending is singular.  So it's one kudos.  As with topos (sing.) / topoi (plur.), the correct plural following the Greek would be kudoi.  Most people opt for it being unchanging (like sheep/sheep). 
Bill/MillerSound is kinda local to me...about 20 minutes or so. He has repaired MANY JBL Speakers for me in the past. I cant think of any person with more experience than him at the art of speaker restoration. He's probably in his early 70's but still a workaholic. He's got that old school work ethic and as far as Im concerned he doesn't charge enough for his time and expertise. He gets my highest recommendation.