Kumza Stabi S or Rega P10 ??

Looking for some commentary. Narrowed my search down to a few remaining tables, and these two are of interest. Wondering if anyone out there owns or has owned either and can comment? 



The P10 works well in his vintage Marantz tube system. The Atlas works on his P10 without the need to alter the VTA.  He also uses an HRS isolation platform under the P10.

I agree with some of the above comments...the Rega arm is excellent and if you can live with it set up once and forget then this is the way to go.

If you want to experience other cartridges without  the hassle of shims then you need to go another route.....pretty simple. And yes having a dealer for support is great but if you are thinking of cartridges in the $1000's range then having your local dealer for that and set up is nice and get the table that causes your hear to jump

Thanks for all the advice...I am coming around to the idea of set and forget, and the cart I want doesn't need shims. I figure I can always tinker with phono stages. Might be a good thing one less thing to mess with and spend more money on! 

Now I am just wrestling with the sound element between them tables and high mass vs low mass. Maybe its in my head but I wonder if the P10 will sound too lean. I am thinking the Hana red resolves that though. More I sit on the idea more I like the P10 more and more. Doesn't mean I am decided though! Narrowed to the Feickert with the Schick or the P10..Both would have the Red on it. 

If you're really set on a no fuss setup, it makes the most sense to get the P10 with the  Rega Apheta or Aphelion.

They're designed to go with the P10. 



I'd at least like the option to change carts once in a great while..Also the Hana doesn;t need to be shimmed so I think it comes down personal preference. But why do you think those carts will be less fuss than a another cart that doesn't need shims?