Kumza Stabi S or Rega P10 ??

Looking for some commentary. Narrowed my search down to a few remaining tables, and these two are of interest. Wondering if anyone out there owns or has owned either and can comment? 


@jc51373 you have stated " .I am coming around to the idea of set and forget "

Does this now steer you toward the notion that a DD TT might be one to consider on the shortlist.


Elaborate on that comment. The hana fits with no shims. Cartridge alignment is like any table where you adjust into it. So what is it you are referring to with that comment? Are you suggesting if I use a cart other than a Rega it will not align? 

@jc51373 regarding cartridge alignment ....not knowing the Rega arm and from some of the comments I was under the impression there is little adjustability of any cartridge in the Rega headshell. Fine tuning overhang of the stylus is essential IMO