Lack of Female Representation

So who can explain the near lack of females in our hobby?  There are far more women discussing football than audio, by a long shot.  There are a lot more women into fixing up their cars as well.  I just can’t think of a hobby, other than ours, where representation is so close to zero.
Women don't get paid as much as men.  You also don't find a lot of poor people in this hobby.
Women just don't like men.. Except my Mom, she was perfect, yes she liked music. No they broke the mold..

UNLESS it's your Mom, then you know she's perfect, likes music and they broke that mold too..

Just Moms so far. So if you're lucky you get a twofer. 

A Mom that just happens to be a wife, pilot, referee, coach, nurse, cook, LOL add what you want.. Audiophiler, I guess you better off than most.

DANCE.  Now you know why there are so few... Dance Amigo...

Hat on the floor, as I slowly walk around the hat to the beat of the music an my faithful K-9 follows me.. I stop and slowly back around the hat... Olay.....
1) They just don't care 2) They focus more on music than good sound 3) They don't give a sh*%^&t about electronic equipment in general 4) They don't like nerds & the mansplaining of audio jerks ("my toy is bigger/better than your toy bla bla bla"). 5) They feel intimidated by blinking lights or the complicated looks of equipment 6) They are wiser in general, so they don't understand the "audiobug" we have been bitten by and why we are autistically searching for the last bit of performance. 7) Even if they are interested, they don't like it when they can be "blamed" for liking a men's hobby. 

I love to see more women in audio, but you cannot force diversity. Representation is not a fixed goal IMO. Each their own.
I think they are turned off by the men in the hobby. I mean, I wear white socks with sandals as a ploy in order to stay single, but what's your excuse?

So many of the system photos on this website show a cluttered room where a concerted effort to create a shrine to complexity is anchored by a single chair. Too many in our hobby are more interested in equipment rather than music. Few women hang out in rebuilding your carb forums but they still enjoy driving a car. In general I would venture as a group they find balance a little better than the average audiogoner.