Lamm + Wadia. A Good match?

Is there anyone who has tested the combination Wadia + Lamm? I have a Wadia 581se, and plans to bay a Lamm M1.2 Reference, and use then the preamp in the Wadia. Is there anyone with experience in combining these two brands?
I would not recommend using the Wadia for volume control. If you are going to combine those two components, make sure to add a good preamplifier to the list.
I do not have experoence with the combo you mention I have had 4 different Wadia's currently the 581se I have tried a few different pre's in the past and did not like any of them. leave out the pre and use the money for better wires.
System matching would include an amp with (1) balanced inputs, (2) a sound that is round, full, and dynamic, (3) resolution and transparency to allow the detail and speed to come through. An inappropriate match could result in the Wadia being lean and dry. One also should avoid matching with something slow and syruppy.

Not having heard the combination, the description of the Lamm appears appropriate. The greater consideration may be how the Lamm interacts with your speakers.

A preamp is system and user dependent. There is no consensus.

I do Chris. If you like the Wadia and really want to mate it with the LAMM M1.2 Reference, then add a LAMM LL2 or L2 Reference preamp to your list. Both can be had at reasonable prices used and they would improve the sound over direct connection from the Wadia to the LAMM amps.

Also, you should audition the LAMM amps in your system if you can. Trust your own ears with the combination. If you cannot do an in home audition, you might want to travel to a LAMM dealer with your Wadia and audition with and without a preamp.

Have Fun!