LAST record preservative improves the sound

Seriously. I just applied it to 50 LPs of various quality recordings and genres and in every case there was a subtle but noticable improvement in clarity, especially in upper mid-frequencies and a little less in high frequences, but also some improvement in pace and dynamics. The records were very clean before the application, I did not clean them again prior to applying the LAST. Mostly original Japanese vinyl from seventies but not only, vinyl condition varies from NM to VG. I am impressed. This confirms what a man from the Needle Doctor said when I asked him.


I can't comment on record wear. But as I understand it, it's not the age of records that really matter but a number of plays. I also read somewhere that it is not a good idea to play one record twice within about 24 hours, someone said that records need time to 'get some rest' and provided kind of scientific explanation for that. I cannot comment on that either. There are records that I play quite often, though not more than once a day, so I treated them with the LAST. Sound improvement was a pleasant bonus, but again it was quite subtle, just as subtle as when I put one half-inch Walker resonance control disc on the maple block next to the turntable motor and also when I put another Walker disc on top of the Nakamichi deck. Small improvements accumulate and at some point may become one sigificant improvement comparable to upraging a component.
I was one of the first dealers in the country to sell LAST at the retail level. I sold hundreds and hundreds of bottles and never had any complaints.

I have used it for well over 30 years now and SWEAR by it. A record never touches my tables/arms/cartridges without first having LAST applied.

I have read, (and I’m sure we will get many negative comments here), about all of the "supposed" "bad" things that LAST does.  I have NEVER had any problems or concerns or really anything but positive results and I have used it on thousands of LPs.

I have records that were LASTED 35 years ago that sound and look perfect to this day.

IMHO, LAST in one of the best things we can do for our records to preserve them.
+1 mofimadness!  I started with LAST back when the dealer I worked for started offering it in 1982.  Never looked back.  Unmatched for their preservative and I've had excellent success with the cleaners.  That's what I call happy listening!
Hmmm, I have two unopened bottles from1984, and one partial from 83.  Whats the chances of this still being good?

Slim I would suspect.  Need to go online and see who carries it. Honestly, I wasn't aware that A-T was still making it.


I like Needle Doctor. The price is $50 for a bottle that will be enough to treat about 60-70 records,
Also, Walter Davis, the LAST man behind it is very friendly and knoweledgeable. You can buy this stuff directly from the LAST.
He also makes two solutions to preserve tape heads and tapes and swears by them. You might be interested in this too.