Latest Merlin Super BAM upgrade

Anyone have their Merlin VSM Master BAM upgraded with Cardas Clear? Results?
I've had mine back for a week now. Calling it impressive would be an understatement. Everything Joneill says and more. It just keeps sounding better and better.

Worth every penny.
The BAM has whatÂ…. 4 inches of hookup wire inside? I find it difficult to believe that upgrading the former Cardas wire with Cardas Clear has such a profound improvement on the sound.

I would expect a subtle improvement/change, but what you guys are describing sounds more like a complete speaker overhaul.

I am a Merlin fan, but Merlin fanboys are often criticized for their over the top gushing with ever modification to the VSM.

Merlins are great speaker and Bobby is a passionate designer who set the standard for customer support, but I wish owners would just tone down their enthusiasm a touch thus improving their credibility.
t, there is over 3 feet of wire in a bam and it is totally in the signal path so yes, the change is profound and costs little. what else could anyone ask for? these people also own the master vsms and because of that, these so called subtle changes can take on an extremely obvious character. especially if you live with a product the way these people have. perhaps if you owned the product and had the mod done you would understand better.
cardas clear geometry wire is a very sophisticated developement over earlier cardas oem wires.