Latest Steve Winwood - Excellent

Quite frankly it has been so long since I paid any attention to Steve Winwood I didn't know whether the chap was even alive. His latest CD 'Nine Lives' illustrates that not only is he breathing air, indeed he's still relevant. Every track on this ablum is solid and encourages you to listen over and over. I highly recommend it.

I've also picked up the new Cold Play. To me Cold Play is one of those bands requiring a 5 disk CD changer where you can select random. As individual songs Cold Play's music comes across as brilliant, however when played end-to-end they can get monochromatic. Not the case on 'Viva Havida'.
Good stuff. I bought the lp at a local store. Inside the sleeve is a small piece of paper with an internet site location link printed on it for a FREE digital download of the album. Then it's right into the car/ipod.
Winwood was here last weekend opening for Tom Petty.

The promoters sure got that backwards.
Amen! Audiofeil! But, Winwood holds back more talent than Petty could ever muster up. Petty's alright but, no comparison to Winwood!