Leave solid state amps on? Or turn off everytime?


My system consists of the following:

Slimdevices Transporter -> Bel Canto REF1000 Mono block amps -> Anthony Gallo Ref3.1 Speakers

I was wondering, should I be switching the Bel Canto amps on/off every time I listen to music? Or should I just leave them on permanently and only switch the transporter on/off (which i do anyways)?

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My house was in a power outage that affected 200,000 homes in Ohio (thanks to the remnants of Hurricane Ike). For a whole week my house was without electricity. (no computer, no fridge, no lights, no nothing) It was one of the truly bad experiences of my life and my family's. (not as bad as those poor folks in Texas). I missed the internet, Audiogon, my music, and threads like this one. There was quite a bit of electricity to this thread literally and figuratively, if you catch my drift!! When I have power, I leave my Blue Circle BmPH integrated on.
How obsessed are we when common sense fails??

Yes,a good system will sound better if left on 24/7....but....if you own a "heat driven design" of any type,do you really feel comfortable leaving the darn thing on all the time?...Does the system sound all that bad from a cold start?...Does the warm up period last all that long,before really good sound takes place?....You cannot enjoy "music",as opposed to hearing a bit too much of the "equipment" in the first few minutes of a listening session?

Some of my components are in standby mode,by design.The system seems to sound superb,from an almost cold start.It does get better with a few hours,but "that" is a bonus,because I like to concentrate on my recent "finds" in music....My friend(a former TAS reviewer,and with a sane hobby approach,in general) has a superb set-up(tubes)that is NOT left on(obviously)24/7.

The system is always superb,at first blush,and the improvement with a couple of hours is a nice reward...but..it still sounds more than acceptable,without jeopardizing the family,when not in use.....Sheeesh!

.....The unnecessary use of electricity is pertinent to the question posed.

So I guess the insults and lecture was just a bonus? It must be my lucky day!
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