Those lucky Brits can walk into a B&M store and pick up their new LPs.
Those lucky Brits can walk into a B&M store and pick up their new LPs. Those lucky Brits can walk into a B&M store and pick up their new LPs. |
I'm not trying to stir up trouble; everyone hears music differently and each opinion is valid, but this user review has convinced me to order the new LZ I-III. I picked up a used copy of Mothership for a song last year, mainly because I was underwhelmed by my OP copies of I-HH. Mothership vinyl was flat & quiet, which gave it a nice nod in listen-ability over my crackle-n-pop presses, but the sound was a bit dull overall. Not terrible, but not exciting. |
Technical talk of waveforms and the presumed mastering process aside, there are literally hundreds of accounts so far from people who are actually listening to these discs and are thrilled. At some point, you have to admit that counts for something. There are places I wish maybe I heard a bit more bass extension or more defined highs but this music really was never intended for critical nit picking playback. The overall presentation is very enjoyable and many have compared it favorably to Classics, UK Plums and even the RL II. If someone visiting my house wants to hear some Led Zeppelin from now on these are likely what I'll pull out. |
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