06-07-14: Geoffkait
Rocket Man, the last time I looked CD players offer 90 dB of dynamic range whereas turntables offer only 70 dB of dynamic range, if they're lucky. So, according to my calculations that's a difference of 20 dB. What's that, about 100 times better dynamic range for CDs?
That is true, the CD player has more dynamic range potential than a record player. The issue is the music. CD's in general are so far squeezed (compressed & normalized) LP's generally will have better playback dynamic range. It's as simple as that. Records sound better than CD's. Perhaps you should start another thread if you wish to explore the issue further....and let's not forget how the A/D conversion kills the spatial integrity of the analog master music...ie Soundstage and image focus, micro detail. I have many cd's. Given the choice of the CD version or vinyl...Vinyl wins every time.