Led Zep Reissue on vinyl

Anyone listen yet? I haven't committed to getting them yet and am curious to hear any impressions and opinions. Thanks
We've been hearing that the LPs' sound surpasses expectations. I've ordered the vinyl, has anybody heard the Redbook CD versions?
Curious to know if they are joining the "Loudness Wars."
I am a little leery about the digital editing so I will wait to purchase

Hevac1, can you elaborate? As a former high-end analogue and digital editor, I'm curious about your statement.

As you asked did they join the loudness war. Is there too much compression? Did they tweak the instruments digitally too much to bring things forward that were not prominent or even there to begin with like him guitar playing.
The post lady just dropped off I, II, and III. Listening to 1 right now. Pretty darn good! Balanced top to bottom, clear sound, good dynamics.
Stellar! If these new versions do not sound fantastic on your system there is something wrong with your system. I have HD versions as well. HD sounds great but vinyl is the better, they are just stellar! Only way I can describe to fully make my point, STELLAR!