Well, if AGon feels voting is bringing in more visits, I guess the fate of voting is a foregone conclusion. I dislike the amount of space devoted to discussions and complaints about voting. This is becoming a site about voting, rather than audio. As for me, I am blissfully detached from voting, and I like it that way. I have never voted, and I don't even know how to view voting scores (oddly, once in a long while I see scores listed next to my name on a post -- I'm not sure how or why this happens). My suggestion is that AGon should make it easy for members to totally ignore the voting scene. I should be able to hit a Voting Defeat switch that would bar me from voting and also keep me from seeing any voting data. Others could vote on my posts, if that's what floats their kayak, but I wouldn't have to be bothered by any of it. That's pretty much my de facto situation, but I would hope that many others would join the voting-free zone, while those that get their kicks from voting could continue to do their thing and get AGon their hits.