Levinson 390s vs Mephisto II

Is anybody familiar with both of these players? I have heard the Mephisto II. Is it worth a four hour drive to hear the 390S? Is the 390S better built than the Mephisto II?
The Mephisto II is a better sounding CD player, especially with the drawer open. The benefit of the 390S is the ability to bypass the volume control.

I am a dealer for Audiomeca and have spent quite a bit of time with both players. I would save the 4 hours and not bother. As far as build quality, the Mephisto is a beautiful player, but not quite the build quality of the Levinson. Levinson equipment is always exceptional in that regard.
What if you already are using a ml amp, would this tip the balance twards the ML cd player? In other words the ML can be used in place of a preamp, although their is not an output for a tuner. The ML calbes will allow one to use the cd player & remote to control the ML amp. This may be a benifit worth considering, comments.
Jtinn, what do you mean by sounding better with the drawer open?

By the way, whatever CD player I buy will be used with Rowland Model 10 and Synergy IIi and Soliloquy 6.5s.
If you keep the cover on the player open, it sounds much more transparent.