Really heart breaking story. That is a huge investment… in what should be a trouble free set of amps. Sorry to hear it.
Road trip?
I worked for a Japanese company for a long time. Our office was in Vancouver Washington. Sometimes some of the Japanese would fly into New York and think they were going to take a few days off and drive from New York and see America on the way to Vancouver.. This lasted as far as Pittsburgh usually… one group made it as far as Chicago.
I lived in Edinburg Scotland for a year. When first there I asked a colleague where he lived and he said on the other side of the country in Glasgow. I was aghast, I asked, “do you have an apartment here?” No, I drive… it is 45 minutes.
I lived in Tokyo for a year. Most of my colleagues commuted 2.5 hours to work and 2.5 hours back. I ended up managing two teams there… both in Tokyo… it was a 2 1/2 hour commute each way every day… by train… frequently smashed at 2AM after a business diner.
It is all relative.